Saturday, December 29, 2007


With the New Year arriving shortly, downloads of this podcast have increased.

I want to extend very hearty well-wishes to all of you who have resolved to make your weight and health a bigger priority in your life in 2008.

As this podcast series stands now, it has ten episodes. The first half gives you a nice overview of the weight-loss process and the second half covers some specific issues that often arise. Much of it covers the mental battles we face when trying to lose weight, because I believe that is the hardest, and most important, part. There are also tips on what kinds of food to eat, and even a few recipes.

I think that there is a lot of useful content here. It should be plenty to get you thinking about your own situation, and hopefully from there you can figure out out what will work for you personally.

Good luck to you, and Happy New Year!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Episode 10 - Motivation and Reality

Title: Episode 10 - Motivation and Reality

Length: 00:13:30

Summary: Motivation: Motivation is a key factor in any weight loss journey. Reality: Face the reality of how well you're following your weight loss program. Recipe: Brown rice pilaf.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Episode 9

Title: Episode 9 - Plateaus

Length: 00:15:35

Summary: Plateaus -- what they are, why they happen, and what we can do about them.

Recipe: Baked tacos.


This is an interesting one for me. I've had a page of notes sitting around for an episode on plateaus for a while, but it felt odd recording a show on advice about plateaus because I'm currently on a big one. After losing 70 pounds, I'm down to my last 20 or so, and my body does not want to lose any more.

However, I have dealt with smaller plateaus in the past ("normal" ones) and I know the trick to them. Woo! Now you will get to know. It's easier than it might seem to be.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Episode 8

Title: Episode 8 - A Lack of Compassion

Length: 00:12:13

Summary: Something a little harder to discuss than normal – discrimination against overweight and obese people, and how this affects our lives.

Recipe: Homemade French Fries.

I thought I'd post the text of the recipe here in case that would be useful.

  • Potatoes, the type you would bake. One small one is plenty for one person.
  • Spices, such as a general Mrs. Dash, or whatever you like, plus a little pepper.
  • Non-stick cooking spray.

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. You don't need very much, just a light coating.

Slice up the potato. I have one of those vegetable slicers with the different attachments. You can use one of those or just cut it up with a knife. I'd say, no thicker than half an inch. The thicker they are, the longer they will take to cook.

Once your potato is sliced, dump it all on the baking sheet and toss with the spices. Then, lay out all the fries as flat as you can so that they're not piled on top of each other. Bake for about 30 minutes, turning them once or twice.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Episode 7

Title: Episode 7 - Lifestyle Change

Length: 00:15:10

Summary: This is one of the big secrets of weight loss: making a change to your lifestyle instead of going on a diet. Recipe: blueberry-banana smoothie!


Listen to this episode for all of my ramblings about how weight loss requires a change to your lifestyle, and how you can begin to do this.

I've decided to try including a healthy vegetarian recipe at the end of each episode. This week's healthy vegetarian recipe: banana-blueberry smoothie. Easy, fast, and full of protein. I really recommend visiting your local farmer's market for some fresh, organic berries. Farmer's markets are just overflowing with them right now!

Let me know what you think about this concept of a recipe in each episode.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Episode 6

Title: Episode 6 - Hunger

Length: 00:14:35

Summary: Hungry? You don't have to be, and you shouldn't be! In this episode, we discover the best ways to eat healthily and stay full while losing weight.


The best way to stay full is to eat whole foods that are high in fiber. This episode gives an overview of which foods are high in fiber, and what I mean by "whole" foods. I know that hunger can be a big issue for a lot of people, so I hope this is a useful episode.

You can contribute content to the next episode by letting me know if you have any personal hunger tricks that work especially well. Leave a comment, and I will include the best ideas at the beginning of the next episode.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Episode 5

Title: Episode 5 – Step 5: Sticking To Your Plan

Length: 00:14:19

Summary: The last step of weight loss: Sticking To Your Plan. Discussion about common issues that cause people problems with their weight loss – the fact that the scale lies, setbacks, slow weight loss, and quitting altogether. Hopefully this episode will help a little with some thoughts about how to deal with these things and move past them.


This episode is all about not quitting. The only real and true obstacle to weight loss is when a person stops trying. If you have any thoughts on this episode, I'd love some feedback on it. I don't know if what I've said is helpful or not. It seems like a lot of talking about common sense things, but maybe something in there will be thought-provoking for people.

This is the last in the series of "steps" that I've defined as the overall steps to weight loss. I have lots of ideas for more topics, but let me know if you have something specific that you'd like me to address.


My one-month trial period at podOmatic has run out. podOmatic is the company that hosts these podcasts. They have a free version of the service that includes some really basic statistics features and limited file hosting and bandwidth. I don't have to upgrade to a pro account, but I'd like to in order to keep doing everything that I've been doing.

I've added a PayPal donation button to the website, over on the ride side of the page. If you'd like to send a dollar or 50 cents to contribute, it would be awesome and amazing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Amazing Real Weight Loss Story

You've got to watch this video. This young man lost 375 pounds. I have to warn you that there is a part that's difficult to see, when he shows the extra skin that he's been left with, so if you're super-sensitive, be forewarned.

Note: There's been a little confusion about this. I did not create this video - it's a news clip that was posted on YouTube.

From time to time, I may post content that isn't one of my podcast episodes. This is a blog, after all.

For podcasts, see below.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Episode 4

Title: Episode 4 – Step 4: Beginning to Exercise

Length: 00:17:02

Summary: How to transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a lifestyle that includes exercise and activity. Topics covered: walking, workout DVDs, easing into the gym, and how to lose weight by playing video games!


This episode is full of really basic information for those who are just starting out with exercise. It's a big change to make in a person's life, especially if you previously haven't been an active person.

Question for listeners: What do you think of the volume of the audio in these podcasts? Do you have to turn up/down your volume a lot to hear me correctly? Any other odd things happening? It sounds okay on my computer but I want to make sure it's working for everyone.

Don't forget to leave a comment in iTunes. It will really help! Thanks :)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Episode 3

Title: Step 3: Making it a Priority

Length: 00:19:45

Summary: Weight loss is a big project. If you want it to work, you have to make it a priority in life. In this episode, we discuss some common situations that arise in our lives in which we can choose to make weight loss the priority. Also, listener questions from the first two episodes.

To everyone who has been listening so far: thank you! Your feedback and support has been awesome, and I'm so glad to hear that this podcast has been helpful for people. This episode includes answers and discussion about the questions that Paul posted in the comments. Listener questions are fantastic - keep them coming! Let me know if you have questions about this episode, previous episodes, or if you just have something to add to them. I'd like to make the Listener Questions portion of the podcast a regular feature.

I'd really love it if you could post a review in iTunes. As far as I can tell, this podcast will only appear in its category of Health & Fitness if it's in the top 100 for the category, and reviews and ratings will help that tremendously. Thanks :)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Episode 2

Title: Step 2: How To Choose A Plan

Length: 00:14:40

Summary: Following a weight loss plan is important so that you have some help and direction. But which plan to choose? In this episode, I go over what to look for and what to avoid. Included: a hint about which plan actually works.

To listen: Click on the title for Episode 2 in the player over to the right, or listen in iTunes.

Over the past week, I have been amazed at the response the first episode has gotten. There have been listeners from all over the country, and even all over the world. I am so pleased that people already seem to be getting something out of this podcast. Weight loss can be a very difficult process, so it's awesome for me to be able to do something creative and positive with it, and to help others at the same time.

In this second episode, I hope to demystify how to go about choosing a weight loss plan to follow. Since obesity has become such a widespread problem, it seems like there is a new weight loss program every day. I give a lot of information on what a plan should and should not include, and let listeners know which one actually works.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Episode 1

Title: Episode 1 - Intro and Step 1: Making the Decision
Length: 00:17:51

My first episode is online and available for download!

In Episode 1, I give a short introduction to this podcast, and then I get into the first step of weight loss, which is Making the Decision.

This is the first podcast I've ever put together, and I'd really appreciate any feedback that you'd like to share. You are also very welcome to post any questions you have about what I talk about in this episode, and I'll either respond via the comments or I will answer your question in the next episode.

Thanks for listening!

Friday, May 25, 2007


Hello! My name is Bonnie and I live in Portland, Oregon. This blog is a companion to my weight loss podcast series titled "Real Weight Loss."

I have over five years experience in weight loss. I'm hoping to help others by publishing this podcast with real information on the truth about weight loss and the weight loss process.

A brief history of my weight loss journey:

I'm a little shorter than 5'4" and in December of 2001 I weighed approximately 230 pounds. I don't know my exact weight because at the time I didn't have a scale and I was afraid to weigh myself, but 230 is a good estimate.

I have been overweight since I was about 5 years old. Nutrition wasn't much of a consideration in our house, and food was frequently used as a comfort mechanism. I was overweight through elementary, junior high, and high school. At age 18 I moved out on my own and developed even worse eating habits. I didn't know how to cook anything and had no knowledge on what to eat, so I ate a lot of frozen dinners and fast food.

And then, a few days before New Year's in December of 2001, I was at the mall shopping for jeans. I was in Lane Bryant and I felt embarrassed to be there. I tried on a size 18 and they didn't fit. This was my "turn around" moment, when I decided that something had to be done. I couldn't stand the thought of wearing a size 20 - that's not even in the teens! I left the mall without buying any jeans. I drove home, determined to do something - whatever it took - to lose weight. It was my New Years Resolution and I started a few days early.

At this point I didn't have any information or any knowledge on nutrition, exercise, or weight loss. I truly believed that my eating wasn't that bad, so I focused on adding exercise into my life. Over the next five years, I lost 45 pounds. I made a ton of progress with exercise, and some progress with my eating habits. I learned many many things about how a person's body reacts to and uses exercise.

My weight loss was very slow because I hadn't put enough thought or effort into changing my eating habits. Six months ago I joined Weight Watchers, hoping that I'd learn how to eat properly. Since I joined I've learned a tremendous amount about food and nutrition, and I've lost an additional 20 pounds.

Today I weigh 166 and wear a size 10 in pants and a large in shirts. I have around 25 more pounds to lose, which will bring me down to 140. I don't yet know what my final goal weight will be because I've never weighed 140 as an adult, so I will be reassessing as I go along.

My ideas and plans for this podcast series:

1. I want to create a podcast that is for those losing weight, by someone who is losing weight. I know what you're going through because I've been there and I'm still there.

2. Real information and insights! I'm not trying to sell you on pills or programs. I have five years of experience on this topic and I have a lot that I can share with you about it. I've learned so much about this process, and I know what works and what doesn't work (as much as a person can know what works and doesn't work for weight loss).

3. Possible topics will include: Steps to weight loss, exercise and workouts, the Media, our weight loss program options, the inner process of rewiring our brains, "lifestyle" changes, nutrition, and what I personally do to lose weight and be healthy.

4. In terms of health and well-being, my philosophies focus on the whole person and extend to the whole Universe. I advocate such things as self-awareness, vegetarianism, and being open to new ideas as ways to a cultivate a healthier mind and body. I will also suggest yoga, meditation, or other spiritual avenues to explore.