Friday, May 25, 2007


Hello! My name is Bonnie and I live in Portland, Oregon. This blog is a companion to my weight loss podcast series titled "Real Weight Loss."

I have over five years experience in weight loss. I'm hoping to help others by publishing this podcast with real information on the truth about weight loss and the weight loss process.

A brief history of my weight loss journey:

I'm a little shorter than 5'4" and in December of 2001 I weighed approximately 230 pounds. I don't know my exact weight because at the time I didn't have a scale and I was afraid to weigh myself, but 230 is a good estimate.

I have been overweight since I was about 5 years old. Nutrition wasn't much of a consideration in our house, and food was frequently used as a comfort mechanism. I was overweight through elementary, junior high, and high school. At age 18 I moved out on my own and developed even worse eating habits. I didn't know how to cook anything and had no knowledge on what to eat, so I ate a lot of frozen dinners and fast food.

And then, a few days before New Year's in December of 2001, I was at the mall shopping for jeans. I was in Lane Bryant and I felt embarrassed to be there. I tried on a size 18 and they didn't fit. This was my "turn around" moment, when I decided that something had to be done. I couldn't stand the thought of wearing a size 20 - that's not even in the teens! I left the mall without buying any jeans. I drove home, determined to do something - whatever it took - to lose weight. It was my New Years Resolution and I started a few days early.

At this point I didn't have any information or any knowledge on nutrition, exercise, or weight loss. I truly believed that my eating wasn't that bad, so I focused on adding exercise into my life. Over the next five years, I lost 45 pounds. I made a ton of progress with exercise, and some progress with my eating habits. I learned many many things about how a person's body reacts to and uses exercise.

My weight loss was very slow because I hadn't put enough thought or effort into changing my eating habits. Six months ago I joined Weight Watchers, hoping that I'd learn how to eat properly. Since I joined I've learned a tremendous amount about food and nutrition, and I've lost an additional 20 pounds.

Today I weigh 166 and wear a size 10 in pants and a large in shirts. I have around 25 more pounds to lose, which will bring me down to 140. I don't yet know what my final goal weight will be because I've never weighed 140 as an adult, so I will be reassessing as I go along.

My ideas and plans for this podcast series:

1. I want to create a podcast that is for those losing weight, by someone who is losing weight. I know what you're going through because I've been there and I'm still there.

2. Real information and insights! I'm not trying to sell you on pills or programs. I have five years of experience on this topic and I have a lot that I can share with you about it. I've learned so much about this process, and I know what works and what doesn't work (as much as a person can know what works and doesn't work for weight loss).

3. Possible topics will include: Steps to weight loss, exercise and workouts, the Media, our weight loss program options, the inner process of rewiring our brains, "lifestyle" changes, nutrition, and what I personally do to lose weight and be healthy.

4. In terms of health and well-being, my philosophies focus on the whole person and extend to the whole Universe. I advocate such things as self-awareness, vegetarianism, and being open to new ideas as ways to a cultivate a healthier mind and body. I will also suggest yoga, meditation, or other spiritual avenues to explore.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. This is a wonderful thing you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Really a great podcast. Keep it up. I joined WW two weeks ago. It's nice to know I'm not alone.


janetfaye said...

I am a new listener to your podcasts.

I think they are sincere and very helpful.

Thank you!

Maria said...

Thank you so much for sharing your details. I admire you progress as I am just starting my weight loss program at 5'5" and very close to your starting weight. It's always inspiring to see someone succeed like that. I am doing weight watchers as well. Do you do the meetings or the online version? Thank you for the time and energy you put into this blog and podcast.

Kanani said...

I just joined WW this week I have a friend who just made her goal and it has prompted me to finally take the leap. I can't wait to hear your podcast.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone. I'm really glad to hear that the podcasts have been helpful.

David and Maria -- good luck with WW! It is a good program if you follow it. I'm doing meetings but I may switch to online.

Good luck, Kanani! I hope you get something useful out of the podcast.

Anonymous said...

I see these podcasts are a few months old now, but just wanted to let you know that I just found them. I'm happy to listen to some advice from a regular person!
Thanks for doing this,

Anonymous said...


Do you have an email address posted?

Anonymous said...

Yep, there's an email address over in the About Me box.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new listener and love your thoughts and encouragement you give to others

Anonymous said...

A new listener, who just "crossed the line". I'm hoping to get some tips and maybe some motivation. I want to lose weight the right way!

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow. I just started to read your/listen to your blog/podcasts today. I am 1/2 way through episode 1. The story about Lane Bryant really made me get teary eyed. It was like you are talking directly to me. I plan on listening to the rest of your podcasts and attempting to cover as much of your blog as I can today at work. (I have some down time at work

Anyways thanks for talking about your experience. You have done a great job!

Anonymous said...


I have done a ton of research on the topic of nutrition, diet and weight loss and I may have some helpful informaion about the reason for a plateau.

Your body needs saturated fat! I know your knee jerk reaction may be, "What a rediculous idea!" But, as far as my research goes- it is true.

For more information look up -Eat Fat, Loes Fat- The Makers Diet- The Weston A Price Foundation-

You will be amazed at how big buisness and big government have cut corners and twisted facts to get your money.

Please check out -Intuitive Eating as well.

I hope this information will be helpful for you!

-A girl apart

Anonymous said...

I'm a new listener and have just listened to almost all the posted blogs. I commend you on your knowlege and your willingness to share it and your esperiences. I am a Weight Watcher lifetime member (since August 2007), but still wanting to loose that elusive last ten pounds to what I think will be an ideal weight for me. Thanks for the good ideas, especially on the tracking. It was a reality check. After almost two years on the program it felt like I knew how many points I was consuming, but the devil in the details revealed I will never loose weight as long as I indulge in the glass of wine and high point comfort foods. I was able to avoid them while I was trying to get to the goal weight. Why is it so hard to stay motivated to stay on program now that I don't have to pay for the meetings any more? Should I re-join and declare my goal weight what I really want it to be?

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I have a blog at wordpress so I could not leave a comment at your rain blog. I really liked that link to the WW recipe. I love pasta salad. I lost 130 on WW.

I may just have to try that salad. Noodles sometimes are the only thing that will satisfy me. I love em, it didn't seem to bad on points either. Keep up the good work. Great job.
