Saturday, July 7, 2007

Episode 7

Title: Episode 7 - Lifestyle Change

Length: 00:15:10

Summary: This is one of the big secrets of weight loss: making a change to your lifestyle instead of going on a diet. Recipe: blueberry-banana smoothie!


Listen to this episode for all of my ramblings about how weight loss requires a change to your lifestyle, and how you can begin to do this.

I've decided to try including a healthy vegetarian recipe at the end of each episode. This week's healthy vegetarian recipe: banana-blueberry smoothie. Easy, fast, and full of protein. I really recommend visiting your local farmer's market for some fresh, organic berries. Farmer's markets are just overflowing with them right now!

Let me know what you think about this concept of a recipe in each episode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that you haven't posted or published a podcast in a while, I am excited to hear your next one whenever it comes out.
I liked this episode because it answered a question that I have long been needing the answer to... why I am afraid to lose weight. I will be on a diet or exercise plan for a while, I am usually good at sticking to it, but then when I see I have lost weight I pull back. I know it isn't because I think I am done, cause I am not, but I end up gaining the weight back again because I am afraid my life will change too much. I want it to, but for some reason I am afraid of it. Thanks for talking about those reasons, I would love to hear more about it.