Sunday, May 27, 2007

Episode 1

Title: Episode 1 - Intro and Step 1: Making the Decision
Length: 00:17:51

My first episode is online and available for download!

In Episode 1, I give a short introduction to this podcast, and then I get into the first step of weight loss, which is Making the Decision.

This is the first podcast I've ever put together, and I'd really appreciate any feedback that you'd like to share. You are also very welcome to post any questions you have about what I talk about in this episode, and I'll either respond via the comments or I will answer your question in the next episode.

Thanks for listening!


Anonymous said...

Wow! The first episode was really excellent! I will be focusing on my personal specific reason for loosing weight so I can remind myself why I'm doing it. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted and forget. Good stuff...

Keep up the great work! I think it will be very helpful for anyone who listens to it.

Shannon said...

Hi Bonnie!

I just finished listening to your podcast at the gym on the rowing machine. I really enjoyed it - I can't believe it was the first episode - it was REALLY well done. You have a very nice speaking voice, and the content was really thought provoking.

I hope you continue this project. I've subscribed via iTunes so my iPod is ready and waiting for episode 2 :-)

Anonymous said...

I've actually thought about my reasons for losing weight, but I have a problem with my thoughts. I rarely tell my true feelings about weight loss because I think they are shallow and superficial so instead I say the aocially acceptable reasons such as to be more healthy etc...

I think about health issues, but it's really not a big factor in my thinking. I've always been a healthy person. And in spite of my weight I don't have any weight related health issues. At my age, that will probably begin to change at some point, but for now I am blessed with good health. I want to lose weight to look better, plain and simple. Specifically I want to look better so I will become more attractive to the opposite sex. I want to have more sex is what I am trying to say. I understand that this is a shallow reason for wanting to lose weight, but what can I do, it's how I feel.

However, I think there is something buried inside of me that is in conflict with my desires. As much as I want to be attractive for the means of getting more sex, I still can't seem to stay focused on my goals. I keep trying anyway.

Something you said in your podcast really struck a chord with me. You said to put yourself so far over the line that you won't be tempted to cross back over whenever temptation rears it's head. I haven't been able to do that. I gotta try to put myself further over the line. Can you examine this issue further, how do you put yourself over the line?

Bonnie, I am in love with this podcast. You have given so much thought to what you are saying and it's so professionally done. I am impressed. Also, you have a very nice voice. I love the sound of your voice. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Mark, Shannon:

Thanks so much for your comments! This feedback is really helpful for me, and I'm so glad that you're enjoying the podcasts so far.


Thank you so much for listening and taking the time to comment. You've brought up some really good questions, and I'm going to address them in the next episode. It actually ties in well with what I had planned for the next topic.

Also, the things you're asking about are examples of exactly what I want to address in this podcast series -- the real issues that come up for people in this weight loss process, and how we can deal with them. So thanks again for asking. These are really common issues and the information will be helpful for lots of people.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

I just found your podcast on 12/29/07 Fantastic job. Great content and your getting me to think about why I am overweight... more important, why I am not doing what I should be doing about it. Looking forward to listening to the rest of the podcasts you have listed.

Thank you for your time.
