Saturday, June 9, 2007

Episode 3

Title: Step 3: Making it a Priority

Length: 00:19:45

Summary: Weight loss is a big project. If you want it to work, you have to make it a priority in life. In this episode, we discuss some common situations that arise in our lives in which we can choose to make weight loss the priority. Also, listener questions from the first two episodes.

To everyone who has been listening so far: thank you! Your feedback and support has been awesome, and I'm so glad to hear that this podcast has been helpful for people. This episode includes answers and discussion about the questions that Paul posted in the comments. Listener questions are fantastic - keep them coming! Let me know if you have questions about this episode, previous episodes, or if you just have something to add to them. I'd like to make the Listener Questions portion of the podcast a regular feature.

I'd really love it if you could post a review in iTunes. As far as I can tell, this podcast will only appear in its category of Health & Fitness if it's in the top 100 for the category, and reviews and ratings will help that tremendously. Thanks :)

1 comment:

V.E. said...

In ep.3, you mention the "restaurant eating tricks" that many people do while eating out to avoid over-eating, such as using less salad dressing and stocking up on veggies. I was wondering if you have any more tips like these? I think I'm out of the loop when it comes to knowing what the tricks actually are--I know they exist, and that's about it. Would you mind elaborating for those of us who are... well, like me? Thanks.